Mercedes S-Class W-220

since 1998 release

Repair and operation of the car

Mercedes W220
+ Mercedes-Benz cars of the class S (W220)
+ Operation manual
+ Routine maintenance
+ Engine
+ Cooling system and heating
+ Power supply system and release
- Engine electric equipment
   - System of ignition and engine management
      Basic elements of system of microprocessor management
      Checks of a control system of ignition and injection
      Search of malfunctions - the general information and preliminary checks
      Check and adjustment of a corner of an advancing of ignition
      Spark plugs
      Self-diagnostics of systems of electronic control of the second generation of OBD II
      The controller of interface of the personal computer to onboard system of self-diagnostics of OBD II under protocols of the SAE standards (PWM and VPW) and ISO 9141-2
      Application of an oscillograph for observation of signals in chains of control systems
      Digital tire of data of CAN
   + Systems of a charge and start
+ Automatic transmission
+ Power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Schemes of electric equipment

Digital tire of data of CAN

CAN functioning

A1 — the Control panel
CAN B — the Tire of data of CAN. Salon
CAN C — the Tire of data of CAN. Engine and running gear
N2/7 — the Control unit of systems of self-diagnostics
N3/10 — the engine Control unit
N10/6 — the Left forward SAM
N10/7 — the Right forward SAM
N10/8 — Back SAM

N15/3 — the ETC Control unit
N15/5 — the AT selector lever Control unit
N22 — the KLA button Control unit
N47-5 — the ESP, SPS and BAS Control unit
N73 — the EIS Control unit
N80 — the Block of a steering column
N93 — the Control unit of the central entrance
X11/4 — the Diagnostic socket

Data exchange on CAN tire

B — the Sensor 1
CAN — the Tire of data

M — the Executive I-III elements (servomechanisms)
N — Control units (controllers) the I-V

Elements of network of data exchange (CAN)

CAN B (Salon)
K1 — the Forward block of registration and management with a box of safety locks and the relay (SAM/SRB-V)
K2 — the Back block of registration and management with a box of safety locks and the relay (SAM/SRB-H)
K3 — the Control unit of the left seat (SSG)
K4 — the Control unit of the right seat (SSG)
K5 — the Control unit of a forward left door (TSG)
K6 — the Control unit of a forward right door (TSG)
K7 — the Control unit of a back left door (TSG)
K8 — the Control unit of a back right door (TSG)
K9 — the Control unit of a roof (DBE)
K10 — the Top field of management (OBF)
K11 — the Lower field of management (UBF)
K12 — the Electronic starting switch of ignition (EZS)
K13 — the Control panel (KI)
K14 — the COMMAND/audio 10/audio 30/audio 30 APS System
K15 — the Parktronic (PTS) System
K16 — the Device of the coupling device of the trailer (AAG)
K17 — the Block of multipurpose management for special models (MSS)
K18 — Parking heating
K19 — the Heater (KKLA/BKLA – SA)

K20 — the CAN-B RBA Distributor right
K21 — the CAN-B RBA Distributor left
K22 — the CAN-B Distributor the console
K23 — Safety cushions with the built-in system of a call ARMINCA

CAN C (Drive and running gear)
K12 — the Switch of ignition (EZS)
K13 — the Control panel (KI)
K24 — Electronic control of the transmission (EGS or KGS)
K25 — the Control unit of the engine (MSG)
K26 — the Electronic block of the selector of transfers (EMW)
K27 — the RBA Klass-S CAN Distributor left
K28 — Electronic antistrange system (ESP)

Not included in SG network
K29 — Automatic adjustment of range of light (ALWR)
K30 — the TV tuner

The elements connected to the fiber-optical tire of D2B

D2B — (Audio/communication/navigation)
Fiber-optical cable
K14 — COMMAND/audio 10/audio 30/audio 30 APS
K31 — Telephone system (MINNA, an emergency call)
K32 — the Device of voice-activated control Linguatronic (SBS)
K33 — the Controller of the mobile phone (interface)
K34 — the Amplifier of a sound
K35 — a CD changer

Not all are shown

A2 — the Radio receiver or the radio tape recorder
A2/6 — CD a changer
A40/3 — the Display and the control unit of functioning of the COMAND system

A2/13 — the Amplifier of a sound
A35/11 — the Control unit of system of voice-activated control
A59/1 — the D2B Interface for the mobile/built-in phone
A35 — the Transceiver of the cell phone (CTEL)/system of an emergency call of TELE AID
A35/8 — the TELE AID Control unit
A, B, C — Connections
M1 — the Fibre-optical cable 1
M2 — the Fibre-optical cable 2
M3 — the Fibre-optical cable 3
M4 — the Fibre-optical cable 4
M5 — the Fibre-optical cable 5
M6 — the Fibre-optical cable 6
M7 — the Fibre-optical cable 7
ws — the White insert



Main data

On the car several network tires of data exchange of CAN (Controller Area Network) between blocks (modules) of management of various systems and controllers of actuation mechanisms of the car are used.

Separate control units are united with each other in the general network and can exchange data.

The tire is bidirectional, i.e. any device connected to it can accept and transfer messages.

The signal from a sensitive element (sensor) comes to the next control unit which processes it and transfers to the tire of data of CAN.

Any control unit connected to the tire of data of CAN can read out this signal, calculate value of the managing director of influence on its basis and operate an executive servomechanism.


At usual cable connection of electric and electronic devices direct connection of each control unit with all sensors and executive elements from which it receives results of measurements or which operates is carried out.

Complication of a control system leads to the excessive length or large number of cable lines.

In comparison with standard cable distributing the tire of data provides:

· Reduction of quantity of cables. Wires from sensors reach only for the next control unit which will transform the measured values to a package of data and transfers him to CAN tire.
· Any control unit which on the tire of CAN receives the corresponding package of data can operate the executive mechanism, and on its basis counts value of the operating impact on a servomechanism.
· Improvement of electromagnetic compatibility.
· Reduction of number of shtekerny connections and reduction of quantity of contact conclusions on control units.
· Weight reduction.
· Reduction of number of sensors since signals of one sensor (for example, from the sensor of temperature of cooling liquid) can be used by various systems.
· Improvement of opportunities of diagnosing. Since signals of one sensor (for example, a speed signal) are used by various systems, in case the message on malfunction is given by all the systems using this signal, the sensor or the control unit processing its signals is faulty, as a rule. If the message on malfunction arrives only from one system though this signal is used also by other systems, then the cause of defect, most often, is concluded in the processing control unit or a servomechanism.
· High speed of data transmission – is possible to 1mbit/with with the maximum length of the line of 40 m. Now on the Mercedes-Benz car the speed of data transmission makes from 83 Kbps to 500 Kbps.
· Several messages can serially be transferred on the same line.

The tire of data of CAN consists of the strong wire executed in the form of twisted couple. All devices (control units of devices) are connected to this line.

Data transmission is carried out with duplication on both wires, and logical levels of the tire of data have mirror display (that is if on one wire the level of logical zero (0) is transferred, then on other wire the level of logical unit (1) and vice versa is transferred).

The two-wire scheme of transfer is used for two reasons: for identification of mistakes and as reliability basis.

If the peak of tension arises only on one wire (for example, owing to problems about EMS (electromagnetic compatibility)), then blocks receivers can identify it as a mistake and to ignore this peak of tension.

If there is a short circuit or break of one of two wires of the tire of data of CAN, then thanks to the integrated hardware-software system of reliability there will be a switching in an operating mode according to the single-wire scheme. The damaged transferring line will not be used.

The order and format of the messages transferred and accepted by users (subscribers) is defined in the protocol of data exchange.

Essential distinctive sign of the tire of data of CAN in comparison with other tire systems which are based on the principle of subscriber addressing is the addressing correlated to the message.

It means that its permanent address (identifier) marking contents of this message is appropriated to each message on the tire of data of CAN (for example: temperature of cooling liquid). The protocol of the tire of data of CAN allows transfer to 2048 various messages, and addresses from 2033 to 2048 are constantly fixed.

The volume of data in one message on the tire of data of CAN makes 8 bytes.

The block receiver processes only those messages (packages of data) which are kept in its list of the data of CAN of messages (control of the acceptability) accepted on the tire.

Packages of data can be transferred only if the tire of data of CAN is free (i.e. if after the last package of data the interval of 3 bits followed, and any of control units does not begin to transfer the message).

At the same time the logical level of the tire of data has to be recessive (logical "1").

If several control units at the same time begin to transfer messages, then the principle of priority according to which the message on the tire of data of CAN with the top priority will be transferred to the first without loss of time or bits (arbitration of inquiries of access to the general tire of data) comes into force.

Each control unit losing the right of arbitration automatically switches to reception and repeats attempt to send the message as soon as the tire of data of CAN again is released.

Except packages of data there is also a package of request of a certain message on the tire of data of CAN.

In this case the control unit which can provide a required package of data reacts to this inquiry.

Format of a package of data

In the usual mode of transfer packages of data have the following configurations of blocks (frames):

• Data Frame (a message frame) for transmission of messages on the tire of data of CAN (e.g.: temperature of cooling liquid).
• Remote Frame (an inquiry frame) for request of messages on the tire of data of CAN from other control unit.
• Error Frame (a mistake frame) all connected control units are notified that there was a mistake and the last message on the tire of data of CAN is invalid.

The protocol of the tire of data of CAN supports two various formats of frames of the message on the tire of data of CAN which differ only on identifier length:

- standard format;
- expanded format.

Now DaimlerChrysler uses only a standard format.

The package of data for transmission of messages on the tire of data of CAN consists of seven consecutive fields (address an illustration 9.0c):
• Start of Frame (starting bit): Marks the beginning of the message and synchronizes all modules.
• Arbitration Field (identifier and inquiry): This field consists of the identifier (address) in 11 bits and 1 control bit (Remote Transmission Request-Bit). This control bit marks a package as Data Frame (a message frame) or as Remote Frame (an inquiry frame) without bytes of data.
• Control Field (the operating bits): The management field (6 bits) contains IDE bats (Identifier Extension Bit) for recognition of a standard and expanded format, reserve bit for the subsequent expansions and - in the last 4 bits - the number of bytes of the data put in Data Field (data field).
• Data Field (this): The data field may contain from 0 to 8 bytes of data. The message on the tire of data of CAN 0 bytes long is used for synchronization of the distributed processes.
• CRC Field (control field): Cyclic-Redundancy-Check Field contains 16 bits and serves for control recognition of mistakes by transfer.
• ACK Field (reception confirmation): Acknowledgement Field contains a signal of confirmation of reception of all blocks receivers which received the message on CAN tire without mistakes.
• End of Frame (end of a frame): Marks the end of a package of data.
• Intermission (interval): Interval between two packages of data. The interval has to make not less than 3 bits. After that any control unit can transfer the following package of data.
• IDLE (rest mode): If any control unit does not transfer messages, then the tire of CAN remains in the rest mode before transfer of the following package of data.


For data processing the possibility of their bystry transfer has to be in real time provided.

It assumes not only existence of the line with a high physical speed of data transmission, but also demands also expeditious providing access to the general tire of CAN if several control units need to transfer messages at the same time.

For the purpose of differentiation of the data of CAN of messages on urgency degree transferred on the tire, for separate messages various priorities are provided.

The ignition advancing corner, for example, has the highest priority, values of pro-slipping - average, and temperature of external air - the lowest priority.

The priority with which the message is transferred on CAN tire, is defined by the identifier (address) of the corresponding message.

The identifier corresponding to smaller binary number has higher priority and vice versa.

The protocol of the tire of data of CAN is based on two logical states: Bits are or "recessive" (logical "1"), or "prepotent" (logical "0"). If the prepotent bit is transferred by at least one module, then the recessive bits transferred by other modules are rewritten.


If several control units at the same time begin data transmission, then the conflict of access to the general tire of data is resolved by means of "bit-by-bit arbitration of inquiries of the general resource" by means of the corresponding identifiers.

By transfer of the field of the identifier the block transmitter after each bit checks whether he has still rights of transfer, or already other control unit transfers on the tire of data of CAN the message with higher priority.

If the recessive bit transferred by the first block transmitter is rewritten by prepotent bit of other block transmitter, then the first block transmitter loses the right of transfer (arbitration) and becomes the block receiver.

The first control unit (N I) loses arbitration from the 3rd bit.

The third control unit (N III) loses arbitration from the 7th bit.

The second control unit (N II) keeps right of access to the tire of data of CAN and can transfer the message.

Other control units will try to transfer the messages on the tire of data of CAN only after it again is released. At the same time the right of transfer will be granted according to priority of the message on the tire of data of CAN again.

Recognition of mistakes

Hindrances can lead to mistakes in data transmission. Such, arising by transfer, mistakes should be distinguished and eliminated. The protocol of the tire of data of CAN distinguishes two levels of recognition of mistakes:

· mechanisms at the level of Data Frame (a message frame);
· mechanisms at the level of bits.

Mechanisms at the level of Data Frame


On the basis of CAN of the message transferred on the tire of data the block transmitter counts control bits which are transferred together with a package of data in the field of "CRC Field" (checksums). The block receiver anew calculates these control bits on the basis of CAN of the message accepted on the tire of data and compares them to the control bits received together with this message.

Frame Check

This mechanism checks structure of the transferred block (frame), that is bit fields with the set fixed format and frame length are rechecked.

The mistakes distinguished by the Frame Check function are marked as format errors.

Mechanisms at the level of bits


Each module by transfer of the message traces the logical level of the tire of data of CAN and defines at the same time distinctions between the transferred and accepted bit. Thanks to it reliable recognition of the global and arising in the block transmitter local mistakes on bits is provided.

Bit Stuffing

In each package of data between the field "Start of Frame" and the end of the field "CRC Field" there have to be no more than 5 following one after another of bits with identical polarity.

After each sequence from 5 identical bits the block transmitter adds to a stream of bits one bit with opposite polarity.

Blocks receivers delete these bits after reception of the message on the tire of data of CAN.

Elimination of mistakes

If any module of the tire of data of CAN distinguishes a mistake, then it interrupts the current process of data transmission, sending the error message. The error message consists of 6 prepotent bits.

Thanks to the error message all CAN control units connected to the tire of data are notified on the arisen local mistake and respectively ignore the message transferred before.

After a short pause all control units will be able to transfer messages on the tire of data of CAN again, and the first will send the message with the top priority again.

The control unit, whose message on the tire of data of CAN were caused by emergence of a mistake, also begins repeated transfer of the message (Automatic Repeat Request function).

Types of tires of CAN

Various tires of CAN are used to the different fields of management. They differ from each other in data transmission speed.

Transfer speed on the tire of data of CAN of the "engine and running gear" area (CAN-C) makes 125 Kbps, and the tire of the given CAN "Salon" (CAN-B) owing to the smaller number of especially urgent messages is calculated on data transmission speed only of 83 Kbps.

Data exchange between two tire systems is carried out through so-called "gateway locks", i.e. the control units connected to both tires of data.

The interface of two tires of data of CAN is located in the control unit of the electronic lock of ignition (N73). This control unit also represents the interface between control units of the tire of data of CAN and the diagnostic DLC (X11/4) socket.

When replacing the new control unit needs to be coded by means of the diagnostic unit.

On all control units of tires of data of CAN the OSEK standard is used.

The fiber-optical tire of D2B (Digital Daten-Bus) of data is used to the Audio/communication/navigation area. The bigger volume of information, than the tire with a copper cable can significantly transfer a fiber-optical cable.

CAN C - the tire "Engine and Running Gear"

The so-called coordinating resistor of the tire of data with resistance of 120 Ohms connected between both wires of the tire of data is installed in the terminal control unit from each party.

The tire of data of CAN of a motive compartment is activated only at the included ignition.

7 control units are connected to the tire CAN-C.

CAN B - the tire "Salon"

Some control units connected to the tire of data of CAN salon are activated irrespective of inclusion of ignition (for example: system of the uniform lock).

Therefore the tire of data of CAN salon has to be in the mode of functional readiness even at the switched-off ignition, it means that the possibility of transfer of packages of data has to be provided even at the switched-off ignition.

For the purpose of the greatest possible decrease in the consumed rest current, the tire of data of CAN, in the absence of packages of data, necessary to transfer, passes into the mode of passive expectation, and is activated again only at the following access to it.

If any control unit (for example, the control unit of the uniform lock) transfers the message on the tire of data of CAN in the mode of passive expectation of the tire of data of CAN salon, then it is accepted by only the main system module (the electronic lock of ignition, EZS). The EZS block keeps this message in memory and sends a signal of activation (Wake-up) to all control units connected to the tire of data of CAN salon.

At activation, EZS checks presence of all users of the tire of data of CAN then transfers the message kept before in memory.

20 control units are connected to the tire CAN-B.