Mercedes S-Class W-220

since 1998 release

Repair and operation of the car

Mercedes W220
+ Mercedes-Benz cars of the class S (W220)
+ Operation manual
+ Routine maintenance
+ Engine
+ Cooling system and heating
+ Power supply system and release
- Engine electric equipment
   - System of ignition and engine management
      Basic elements of system of microprocessor management
      Checks of a control system of ignition and injection
      Search of malfunctions - the general information and preliminary checks
      Check and adjustment of a corner of an advancing of ignition
      Spark plugs
      Self-diagnostics of systems of electronic control of the second generation of OBD II
      The controller of interface of the personal computer to onboard system of self-diagnostics of OBD II under protocols of the SAE standards (PWM and VPW) and ISO 9141-2
      Application of an oscillograph for observation of signals in chains of control systems
      Digital tire of data of CAN
   + Systems of a charge and start
+ Automatic transmission
+ Power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Schemes of electric equipment

System of ignition and engine management

Basic elements of system of microprocessor management

Elements of management of engines 112, 113

1 — the Electromagnet of adjustment of the right cam-shaft
2 — the Pump of system of admixture of air (AIR)
3 — the Thermometric sensor of mass of air (MAF)
4 — the Electronic accelerator / Tempostat / the Regulator х.х. (EA/CC/ISC)
5 — the Sensor of temperature of the soaked-up air (IAT)

6 — the Sensor of position of the crankshaft (CKP)
7 — the Sensor of temperature of cooling liquid (ECT)
8 — the cam-shaft Sensor on Hall's effect
9 — the Electromagnet of adjustment of the left cam-shaft
10 — the Valve of switching of the pump of system of admixture of air (AIR)

Elements of a control system of ignition and injection of engines 112, 113

1 — the ignition No. 4 Coil
2 — the ignition No. 3 Coil
3 — the ignition No. 2 Coil
4 — the ignition No. 1 Coil
5 — Fuel injectors
6 — For the oil level switch

7 — the Sensor of a detonation 1 (the right side of the engine)
8 — the Sensor of a detonation 2 (the left side of the engine)
9 — the ignition No. 8 Coil
10 — the ignition No. 7 Coil
11 — the ignition No. 6 Coil
12 — the ignition No. 5 Coil

Arrangement of control units in the car

1 — the Basic module
2 — the Control unit of the ME-SFI engine
3 — a control unit Box

4 — the Module of the relay of the fuel pump
5 — the Module of the relay of system of admixture of air (AIR)

Sockets of the control unit of the engine and purpose of contacts

1A — Left verkhnepotochny warmed up a lambda probe (1)
2A — Supply voltage (a contour 87), is protected by a safety lock
3A — Grounding
4A —
5A — Right verkhnepotochny warmed up a lambda probe (1)
6A — Control of the fan of cooling systems of the engine / климат-контроля
7A — Grounding
8A — Grounding
1B — Right nizhnepotochny warmed up a lambda probe (2) (only the USA)
2B — Left nizhnepotochny warmed up a lambda probe (2) (only the USA)
3B — the Diagnostic DLC socket
4B — Supply voltage (a contour 30)
1C ÷ 20C —
21C — the adsorber purge Valve
22C — the Sensor of provision of a pedal (+ a potentiometer of nominal rate 1)
23C — the Sensor of provision of a pedal (-a potentiometer of nominal rate 1)
24C — the Sensor of provision of a pedal (a potentiometer of nominal rate 1 cleaner)
25C — the Sensor of provision of a pedal (a potentiometer of nominal rate the 2nd cleaner)
26C — the Sensor of provision of a pedal (-a potentiometer of nominal rate 2)
27C — the Sensor of provision of a pedal (+ a potentiometer of nominal rate 2)
28C — the Module of the relay of the air pump of the AIR system (only the USA)
29C — the Module of the relay of the fuel pump (K27)
30C —
31C — Grounding right verkhnepotochny a lambda probe 1
32C — the Signal right verkhnepotochny a lambda probe 1
33C — the Signal left verkhnepotochny a lambda probe 1
34C — Grounding left verkhnepotochny a lambda probe 1
35C ÷ 37C —
38C — the Diagnostic socket (a signal of turns of the engine)
39C — the Diagnostic socket (ME-SFI DTC)
40C — the Signal (a contour 50)
1D — the Module of the relay of the fuel pump (K27)
2D — the Valve of shutdown of a coal adsorber (only the USA)
3D — the starter Relay
4D — Grounding of the sensor of pressure in the fuel tank (only the USA)
5D — pressure sensor Signal in the fuel tank (only the USA)
6D — Giving of tension 5B for pressure sensor in the fuel tank (only the USA)
7D — Grounding right nizhnepotochny a lambda probe (only the USA)
8D — the Signal right nizhnepotochny a lambda probe (only the USA)
9D — the Signal left nizhnepotochny a lambda probe (only the USA)
10D — Grounding left nizhnepotochny a lambda probe (only the USA)
11D — the Tire of data of CAN "H"
12D — the Tire of data of CAN "L"
13D — Adjustment of variable turns (only without DAS 3)
14D ÷ 15D —
16D — a collision Signal
17D ÷ 18D —
19D — Definition of provisions of P/N AT
20D — the Switch of a tempostat (acceleration/installation) (only without DAS 3)

21D — the Switch of a tempostat (braking engine/installation) (only without DAS 3)
22D — the Switch of a tempostat (return) (only without DAS 3)
23D — the Switch of a tempostat (control contact) (only without DAS 3)
24D — the Switch of a tempostat (off) (only without DAS 3)
1E — the Injector of the cylinder No. 6
2E — the Injector of the cylinder No. 3
3E — the Injector of the cylinder No. 7
4E — the Injector of the cylinder No. 8
5E — the EGR Valve switch
6E ÷ 9E —
10E — the Valve switch of the air pump of the AIR system (only the USA)
11E —
12E — the Resonant valve switch of the inlet pipeline
13E — a cylinder 4 Injector
14E — a cylinder 2 Injector
15E — Tension 5B, the sensor of level/temperature/quality of oil
16E — Grounding of the sensor of level/temperature/quality of oil
17E — the Signal of the sensor of level/temperature/quality of oil
18E ÷ 20E —
21E — an oil pressure sensor switch Signal
22E — Tension 5B of pressure sensor (only the USA)
23E — pressure sensor Signal (only the USA)
24E — Grounding of the sensor of pressure (only the USA)
25E — a cylinder 1 Injector
26E — a cylinder 5 Injector
27E — the Relay of the air pump AIR in the relay module (only the USA)
28E — Grounding of the sensor of temperature of cooling liquid (ECT)
29E — the Signal of the sensor of temperature of cooling liquid (ECT)
30E —
31E — the Actuation mechanism of an electronic pedal of gas / темпостата / systems of stabilization of turns of idling (EA/CC/ISC) (a potentiometer of the current value 1 cleaner)
32E — the Actuation mechanism of an electronic pedal of gas / темпостата / systems of stabilization of turns of idling EA/CC/ISC (relevance potentiometer grounding)
33E — relevance potentiometer Supply voltage
34E — the Actuation mechanism of an electronic pedal of gas / темпостата / systems of stabilization of turns of idling EA/CC/ISC (relevance potentiometer the 2nd grounding)
35E ÷ 36E —
37E — Grounding of the CKP sensor
38E — a CKP sensor Signal
39E — Grounding of the sensor of effect of Hall of the camshaft
40E — the Signal of the sensor of effect of Hall of the camshaft
41E — Grounding of the sensor of a detonation 1 (KS1) (on the right on the engine)
42E — the Signal of the sensor of a detonation 1 (KS1) (on the right on the engine)
43E — Grounding of the sensor of a detonation 2 (KS2) (on the right on the engine)
44E — the Signal of the sensor of a detonation 2 (KS2) (on the right on the engine)
45E — the Sensor of temperature of the soaked-up air (IAT) (it is built in the film sensor of mass of air [MAF])
46E — Supply voltage 5B of the film MAF sensor
47E — the Signal 5B of the film MAF sensor
48E — Grounding 5B of the film MAF sensor
1F — the Actuation mechanism of systems of electronic acceleration / темпостата / stabilization of turns of idling (EA/CC/ISC) (-)
2F — the Actuation mechanism of the EA/CC/ISC systems (+)
3F —
4F — the Coil of ignition of the 3rd T1/3 cylinder b
5F — the Coil of ignition of the 3rd T1/3 cylinder and
6F — the Coil of ignition of the 4th T1/4 cylinder and
7F — the Coil of ignition of the 4th T1/4 cylinder b
8F — Grounding
9F — the Coil of ignition of the 8th T1/8 cylinder b
10F — the Coil of ignition of the 8th T1/8 cylinder and
11F — the Coil of ignition of the 7th T1/7 cylinder b
12F — the Coil of ignition of the 7th T1/7 cylinder and
13F — the Coil of ignition of the 5th T1/5 cylinder and
14F — the Coil of ignition of the 5th T1/5 cylinder b
15F — Grounding
16F — the Coil of ignition of the 6th T1/6 cylinder b
17F — the Coil of ignition of the 6th T1/6 cylinder and
18F — the Coil of ignition of the 2nd T1/2 cylinder b
19F — the Coil of ignition of the 2nd T1/2 cylinder and
20F — the Coil of ignition of the 1st T1/1 cylinder and
21F — the Coil of ignition of the 1st T1/1 cylinder b

Basic elements of electric equipment, arrangement of control units of ignition and injection of fuel, sensors, valves and elements of the drive are presented on illustrations.

Arrangement of the basic electric elements in the car

Arrangement of the control unit of the engine (under a cowl on the right, behind)

Dual coils of ignition for two spark plugs A and B of one cylinder

Coils of ignition of candles of the 1st cylinder (right side of the engine)

Coils of ignition of candles of the 5th cylinder (left side of the engine)

Pressure sensor in the fuel tank (a forward, central part of a luggage carrier)

B28 pressure sensor (forward, top part of the engine)

The thermometric measuring instrument of mass of the soaked-up air (a back, central part of the engine)

Oil pressure sensor (right side of the engine, from below)

Accelerator pedal sensor

Sensor of position of the crankshaft (left back part of the engine)

Hall's sensor of the camshaft (right forward part of the engine)

Car speed sensor forward right (wheel arch)

Car speed sensor back right (wheel arch)

The sensor of the parking brake (on a pedal of the parking brake)

The sensor of temperature of cooling liquid - ECT (a forward part of the engine)

The sensor of level of cooling liquid on a broad tank

The sensor of level of brake fluid (on the tank - a motive compartment at the left)

Detonation sensors

Diagnostic socket

Left dokataliticheskiya lambda probe

Right dokataliticheskiya lambda probe

Cylinder 1 injector (right side of the engine)

Valve of a cut-off of the left number of cylinders (left side of the engine)

Valve of a cut-off of the right number of cylinders (right side of the engine)

The valve of switching of the pump of system of admixture of air in an exhaust (a forward part of the engine)

Valve of management of a purge of a coal adsorber (left, back part of a motive compartment)

The transmitter of vacuum of the valve of recirculation of the fulfilled gases (a back part of a digatel)

Left post-catalytic lambda probe

Right post-catalytic lambda probe