Mercedes S-Class W-220

since 1998 release

Repair and operation of the car

Mercedes W220
+ Mercedes-Benz cars of the class S (W220)
+ Operation manual
+ Routine maintenance
+ Engine
+ Cooling system and heating
+ Power supply system and release
- Engine electric equipment
   + System of ignition and engine management
   - Systems of a charge and start
      The rechargeable battery - the main data and acquisition of the new battery
      Check and charging of the rechargeable battery
      Storage of the rechargeable battery
      System of charging - general information and security measures
      Check of system of charging
      System of start of the engine - the general information and precautionary measures
      Check of system of start of the engine
+ Automatic transmission
+ Power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Schemes of electric equipment

Check of system of start of the engine

Elemanta of a starter

1 — the Starter
2 — Э / the magnetic actuator
3 — the Gear wheel with the obgonny coupling

4 — Field windings
5 — Brushes
6 — Bearings

Elements of a starter are presented on an illustration.

Before conducting check be convinced that the accumulator is completely charged, and the anticreeping system is not activated.


1. If automatic transmission and a starter is installed on the car does not join, be convinced that the selector is in the provision of P or N.
2. Make sure that the accumulator is completely charged, on tips of wires and plugs of the rechargeable battery and a starter there is no corrosion.
3. If the starter rotates, and the engine flywheel does not, then, perhaps, the obgonny coupling of a starter is faulty (it does not allow a bendiks to rotate together with the engine after start). In this case the starter needs to be repaired or replaced. Strong weakening of bolts of fastening of a starter can serve as other reason for that (the gear wheel of a bendiks does not enter gearing with a flywheel wreath).
4. If at inclusion of a starter its engine is not turned, and the involving relay works (clicks are heard), then either the accumulator is rarefied, or plugs of the involving relay are oxidized, or the starter is faulty (if the engine of the car is not jammed).
5. If at inclusion of a starter even of clicks of the involving relay are not heard, the accumulator is faulty, conducting is torn off or the involving relay is faulty.
6. For check of serviceability of the involving relay connect the positive plug of a starter to the small plug of the involving relay. If the starter begins to rotate, the involving relay as it should be, and either the lock of ignition, or conducting, or the sensor of the selector of automatic transmission is faulty (if the selector is in situation P or N).
7. If after short circuit of plugs the starter rotates slowly, be convinced that the accumulator is charged, and wires are reliably attached. If the engine of the car is partially jammed or oil with high viscosity is filled in, the starter will also rotate slowly.
8. Start the engine and warm up up to the working temperature. Kill the engine, take a safety lock of the fuel pump, and also disconnect electric sockets from ignition coils.
9. Attach a positive wire of the voltmeter to the positive plug of the rechargeable battery, and negative — to the negative plug.
10. Include a starter and as soon as indications of the voltmeter are stabilized, write down them. Do not include a starter more, than for 15 seconds. If the speed of rotation of a starter normal, and voltage is more than 10.5 Volts, everything is all right. If voltage of 10.5 Volts and above, and the speed of rotation of a starter low, contacts of the involving relay burned slightly, the starter or conducting is faulty. If voltage less than 10.5 Volts and speed of rotation of a starter low, the starter is faulty or the accumulator is discharged.