Mercedes S-Class W-220

since 1998 release

Repair and operation of the car

Mercedes W220
+ Mercedes-Benz cars of the class S (W220)
+ Operation manual
+ Routine maintenance
+ Engine
+ Cooling system and heating
- Power supply system and release
   - Power supply system and fuel injection
      Dropping pressure in fuel system of the petrol engine
      Management of distribution of power - the description and the principle of the organization of function of shutdown of cylinders
      Supercharger of air
      Check and adjustment of speed of the single course / moment of ignition/concentration WITH
   + System of injection of fuel of the diesel engine. Turbocompressor
   + Systems of release and decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Automatic transmission
+ Power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Schemes of electric equipment

Power supply system and fuel injection

General information and security measures

Fuel tank

45 — the Jellied mouth
55/3 — the fuel pressure Regulator (5.3 atm.)
55/3a — the Gate (50 liters an hour)
55/4 — the Intaking camera
75 — the Fuel tank
B4 — the Fuel level sensor
M3/1 — the Pump which is built in the fuel tank

A — the Socket of an electrical wiring of the pump which is built in the fuel tank
B — the Socket of an electrical wiring of the fuel level sensor
A — Return of fuel from pressure regulator (5.0 atm.) in the spraying camera
B — the Line of filling of the intaking camera from the pump which is built in the fuel tank
With — the Line of ventilation of the fuel tank
D — To the fuel pump

Function chart of system of microprocessor management of ME SFI 2.0. V6 and V8 engines

It is shown on the example of the engine 113
21 — the Final gate 1
22 — the Vacuum tank 1
22/1 — the Diaphragm switch of the inlet pipeline
55/1 — the Fuel filter with the built-in regulator of pressure
75 — the Fuel tank
76 — the Ventilating valve
77 — the Coal adsorber
89 — the EGR Valve
126 — the Valve of shutdown of admixture of secondary air (the valve of combustion chambers: built-in retaining valve)
128 — the Retaining vacuum valve
157 — the Three-functional catalytic converter at a partition of a motive compartment
158 — the Three-functional catalytic converter under the bottom
and — Other consumers
A1 — the Control panel
A1e58 — the Control lamp of failure diagnostics of the engine
A16g1 — the Sensor of a detonation 1 (the right side of the engine)
A16g2 — the Sensor of a detonation 2 (the left side of the engine)
B2/5 — the Film sensor of measurement of mass of air (MAF) (the built-in sensor of temperature of the soaked-up air [IAT])
B6/1 — the Sensor of effect of Hall of the camshaft
B11/4 — the Sensor of temperature of cooling liquid (CTS)
B28 — the Sensor of pressure 1
B37 — the Sensor of provision of a pedal
B40 — the Sensor of level/temperature/quality of oil
B40/2 — the Sensor of pressure of oil of system of shutdown of cylinders 1
G3/3 — the Left (verkhnepotochny) oxygen sensor
G3/4 — the Right (verkhnepotochny) oxygen sensor
G3/5 — the Left (nizhnepotochny) oxygen sensor
G3/6 — the Right (nizhnepotochny) oxygen sensor
K40/5kt — the Relay of the fuel pump
K40/7kL — the starter Relay
K40/7kN — the Relay of system of admixture of secondary air
L5 — the Sensor of provision of a bent shaft (CKP)
L6/1 — the Left forward wheel sensor
L6/3 — the Left back wheel sensor
M1 — the starter Plug 50
M3 — Fuel the pump
M16/6 — the Activator of a butterfly valve
M33 — the Electric air pump

N3/10 — ECM (ME-SFI)
N15/3 — the Module of management of the electronic traction control system (ETC)
N19 — the Module of management of the press button of system an upravlenliya additional air (AAS)
N22 — the Module of management of the press button of system an upravlenliya additional air (AAS)
N47-1 — the Module of management of the control system of thirst (ASR)/sensitive for the speed of system of hydrostrengthening of a wheel (SPS)
N54-1 — the Module of management of IR DAS
S16/10 — the Switch of definition of provision of transmission
S40/4 — the Variatorny switch of a tempostat
T1/1 —
T1/8 — Coils of ignition of cylinders 1-8 (dual coils)
X11/22 — the Diagnostic DLC II socket
Y22/6 — the Valve switch of the inlet pipeline of variable length of a path
Y31/1 — the Vacuum transdyuser of EGR
Y32 — the Valve switch of the air pump of system of admixture of secondary air (AIR)
Y58/1 — the Valve of management of an adsorber purge
Y62 — fuel injection Injectors
Y80 — the Valve of system of shutdown of cylinders of the right row 1
Y81 — the Valve of system of shutdown of cylinders of the left row 1
Y93 — the Final gate 1
CAN Tire of data
1 Only the engine 113.960 with system of shutdown of cylinders (code 479)

Arrangement of some electric elements

1 — the Relay of electronic control systems of the engine and a running gear
2 — ECM (ME-SFI)
3 — the Relay of the fuel pump

4 — the Sensor of extent of pressing of a pedal
5 — the Relay of the air pump
6 — the starter Relay

Air streams of the inlet pipeline with changeable geometry

And — the Air stream at the open operating gate on engine turns over 3900 in min.
22 — the Operating gate (on one on each cylinder)

In — the Air stream at the closed gate, at low loadings in the range of turns of 1750-3900 in min.
With — To the engine

Management of gas distribution. V6 and V8 engines

12 — the Inlet pipeline
17 — the Fuel distributive highway
19 — the Final collector with isolation by an air gap

22 — the Resonant gate
R4 — Spark plugs (2 on the cylinder)
Y62 — the Injector

Elements of the inlet pipeline with changeable geometry

12a — the Top part of the pipeline
12b — the Lower part of the pipeline
12s — the Top part of an insert of the pipeline
12d — the Lower part of an insert of the pipeline
22 — the Operating gate
22/1 — Diaphragm knot of switching of a tuboprovod

22/2 — gate Axes
22/3 — Connecting drafts
and — the Tube to diaphragm knot
b — the Tube to the valve of switching of the pipeline
M16/6 — the Drive of a butterfly valve
Y22/6 — the Inlet pipeline

Assembly of the fuel pump (under the bottom, at the left behind)

Fuel injectors (lateral faces of the engine)

Pressure sensor in the fuel tank (a forward central part of a luggage carrier)

Fuel reserve sensor (forward central part of a luggage carrier)

Thermometric measuring instrument of mass of vsasyayemy air (central back part of the engine)

Accelerator pedal sensor

Sensor of position of the crankshaft

Sensor of temperature of cooling liquid (forward, central part of the engine)

Detonation sensors

Right dokataliticheskiya lambda probe

Left dokataliticheskiya lambda probe

Left post-catalytic lambda probe

Right post-catalytic lambda probe

Element of installation of a butterfly valve (central back part of the engine)

Injector of injection of fuel in the 1st cylinder (the right side of the engine)

Petrol engines

Are a part of fuel system: established in a back part of the car (under a pillow of a back seat) the fuel tank with an adsorber on absorbent carbon, fuel-supply lines, the electric fuel pump, and also the electronic system of consecutive injection operated by the control unit. The function chart of a control system and an arrangement of sensors are submitted on accompanying illustrations.

The reserve of fuel is shown to the driver on the dashboard. Gather on the petrol engine of couple of gasoline in an adsorber and move in engine combustion chambers.

Style of driving of the car has significant effect on fuel consumption. Councils for decrease in fuel consumption:

  • After start of the engine at once start even if it occurs on a frost.
  • At a car stop for a while more on 40 with, switch off the engine.
  • Move always on the highest transfer.
  • At the movement on long distances whenever possible support uniform speed. Avoid the movement at high speeds. Drive the car circumspectly. Without need you do not brake.
  • You transport the car excessive freight. If the luggage carrier is not used, remove it from a roof.
  • Check air pressure in tires. Do not allow excessive pressure decrease.

Diesel engines

Are a part of fuel system: established in a back part of the car (under a pillow of a back seat) the fuel tank, the fuel filter, nozzles, fuel tubes and hoses, the fuel reserve sensor located in a tank and the block of electronic control the engine.

Fuel moves the special pump via the filter. In the filter the dirt and water which is contained in fuel accumulates.

The engine is operated the electronic system similar to a control system of petrol engines. The system operates operation of the engine, analyzing information arriving from a large number of sensors.

On diesel models there is no accelerator cable. Instead of it on a pedal the sensor of its situation is installed.

The fuel cut-off valve at switching off of ignition is absent. To kill the engine at switching off of ignition, the control unit of the engine sends a signal which, in turn, stops supply of fuel to nozzles to the TNVD control unit.

Components of the fuel tank are not removed. The fuel system is designed so that not to allow air "suction" in the absence of fuel in a tank. The control unit constantly checks fuel level in a tank, processing information arriving from the sensor of a reserve of the fuel located in a tank. When falling a reserve of fuel to a certain level the control unit lights the warning lamp on the control panel then forcibly causes admissions of supply of fuel, limiting to that the maximum speed. It proceeds until fuel level in a tank does not exceed an admissible mark.

The fuel system of diesel engines is very reliable. When using pure fuel and performing regular service it has to function regularly before the termination of service life of the car. After very big run internal components of nozzles can wear out, and they will need to be repaired. As the pump - nozzles have a difficult design, repair is recommended to be carried out in a specialized workshop.

The fuel pump takes away fuel (D) of the lower point of the damper (55/4) serving for prevention of hit to the inlet highway of the pump of air during commission of turns with the low level of fuel in a tank (75).

The submersible fuel pump (M3/1) is run by the electronic module tracing quality of filling of a damper and provides an expense of 220 l/h at effective a napoyer of 0.3 atm.

In addition pumping of fuel in a damper is carried out by the auxiliary soaking-up pump working at the expense of a stream of the excess fuel returned in a tank from pressure regulator (5.0 atm.).

The components placed in a tank (including the fuel pump) are not subject to removal and recovery repair and in case of their refusal all tank assembled is subject to replacement. The exception makes only the sensor of a reserve of fuel (B4).

The throttle (55/3a) cuts fuel consumption in the pumping of the returnable line (A) brought to the pump to 50 l/h with a pressure of 5.0 atm. The regulator of pressure prevents increase of a pressure over 5.3 atm.

Security measures and rules of respect for purity during the work with fuel system

During the work with fuel system it is necessary to observe the following security measures and purity:

The remark on security measures

Do not use naked flame near a workplace, you do not smoke and you do not hold any strongly warmed objects. There is a danger of accident! You keep in readiness the fire extinguisher.

You monitor normal ventilation of a workplace. Fuel vapors are poisonous.

The fuel system is under pressure. When opening system fuel can escape under pressure. Collect fuel by a rag. Use goggles.

During the work with components of a power supply system of the diesel engine observe special precautionary measures. In special degree it belongs to nozzles. Keep in mind that fuel pressure at an exit makes about 1100 atmospheres of nozzles. Do not allow hit of any parts of a body under a fuel stream.

Hose connections fasten by means of tape or tightening collars. Tightening collars need to be replaced with tape collars or collars of the last design surely. For installation of tape collars there is special adaptation, for example HAZET 796-5.

Carefully clear connections and the places adjoining to them before opening.

Stack the removed details on a pure lining and close. Apply for this purpose polyethylene or paper. Do not apply for this purpose fibrous fabric!

Carefully close open details or put technological caps if repair lasts some time.

Establish into place only pure details. Take out spare parts from packing only just before installation. Do not apply details which were stored unpacked (for example, stored in a toolbox).

At open fuel system whenever possible do not work with compressed air. Whenever possible do not move at the same time the car.

Do not apply the sealants containing silicone. The silicone elements which got to the engine in the engine do not burn down and damage the oxygen sensor.

Security measures at removal of the fuel tank:

  • Before removal of a tank merge from it fuel or pump out fuel the pump which is specially provided for this purpose.
  • The fuel tank is removed from the lower party of the car. Before a detachment of collars of fastening of a tank bring to it from below a jack and linings.
  • The empty tank is explosive and cannot be utilized in such look. Before utilization the tank has to be cut on a part. You watch that at the same time there was no spark. For this purpose hand over the fuel tank in the specialized enterprise.
  • After installation of a tank into place start the engine and check tightness of all connections.